
やったるで〜 TOEICスコア プラス200点

Preparation for the essay④: Workers in Japan return after extended Golden Week Holiday

I'm nakamort.


■ Learning English (May 19)

Listening to the English conversation and shadowing 

Preparation for next essay④ with teacher K



I am not good at writing a diary.
That is because I was trying to write something difficult. From now on, I would like to record a little awareness.



 Studying English is not an object but a means.

Discussion about the essay⑤: New York City VS the Car

I'm nakamort.


■ Learning English (May 14)


Listening to the English conversation and shadowing

Teacher J's lesson: discussion about an essay⑤ (New York City VS the Car) 



It's on my schedule.



 I was busy at work, so I took a lesson in my office. But my computer didn't work well, so I took lessons on my smartphone. It was more difficult than usual.



I'd like to take the lesson at home rather than at the office to have a good lesson.

Discussion about the essay③: What happened on Easter Island

I'm nakamort.


■ Learning English (Mar 13)

Listening to the English conversation and shadowing

Online lesson: discussion about an essay③ (What happened on Easter Island) 

Preparation for next the essay④



It was on my schedule.



It was fun to talk about the related to  the essay.



We talked about the world heritage where we'd like to go.

The teacher seemed to want to go to various countries. 

Discussion about the essay③: What happened on Easter Island

I'm nakamort.


■ Learning English (Mar 10)

Listening to the English conversation and shadowing

Online lesson: discussion about an essay③ (What happened on Easter Island) 

Preparation for next the essay④



It was on my schedule.


I was able to read the essay smoothly. 



The online lesson teacher today didn't know the linking sound.

I couldn't explain the word well.

Discussion about the essay③: What happened on Eater Island

I'm nakamort.


■ Learning English (May 7) 

Listening to the English conversation and shadowing

Teacher J's lesson: discussion about an essay③ (What happened on Eater Island) 

Preparation for next essay④ with teacher K



It's on my schedule.



I was satisfied to speak English smoothly.
I'll continue to reading aloud before the lesson.



I was able to use the different word from the essay.
It was fun to examine some paraphrases.

Discussion about the essay②: Orange Peels and the Environment

I'm nakamort.


■ Learning English (Mar 6)

Online lesson: discussion about an essay② (Orange peels and the Environment)

                        and free talk course(normally) 

Preparation for next the essay



It's on my schedule.



 I discussed with a Serbian teacher about the environment.

He adviced me below items.

1. Practicing to read aloud

2. Watching some movies to listen English conversation



I thought the advice from online teachers were the same as what teacher K taught me.