
やったるで〜 TOEICスコア プラス200点

A business English conversation in my imagination 2-⑧ -a new man-

I'm nakamort.


■Learning English (Jan 27)

Listening in my car

Reviewing the past questions (Eiken 2017-3)

Taking the exam(Eiken)

A business English conversation in my imagination 2-⑧



It's on my schedule.



I could solve the reading part of the exam.

I took the exam with other students, so I remembered my student days.



I'll return to normal English learning from the next day.


A business English conversation in my imagination 2-⑧


J: Hi, nakamort.


N: Hello, James.


J: I'd like to introduce this man. This is Stephen. He'll take over my tasks.


S: I'm Stephen. Nice to meet you.


N: I'm Nakamort. I'm glad to see you.


J: He is a person of ability and has great passion for his work.


S: You've said more than enough. Surely I'm proud of my work.


N: That's great. By the way we'll check the schedule for your products.


S: All right. Let's go to the meeting room A.