
やったるで〜 TOEICスコア プラス200点

A business English conversation in my imagination 2-⑩ -the separation-

I'm nakamort.


■Learning English (Jan 31)

Listening in my car

Practicing text book  (idiom)

A business English conversation in my imagination 2-⑩



It's on my schedule.



 I completed to practice ten times "A business English conversation in my imagination"

on my schedule. I felt a real sense of achievement. 



It became February. So I'll plan to schedule learning English on February.


A business English conversation in my imagination 2-⓾


J: Hi, nakamort.


N: Hello, James.


J: In the event we got a favorable reception on our products. 


N: That's good to hear.


J: Because we were sold out immediately, we needed to apologize for a lot of customers.

   So we'll order them in addition.


N: Oh! I really appreciate your order. How many products will you need? 


J: We'll order 1,000 products.


N: It's amazing! I'll contact Ronald.


J: By the way, as you know this is last time to meet you in Japan.

  I was glad to work with you.


N: That's so pity. I was also pleased to do.


J:If you'll you come to India, please contact me!


N: Absolutely! Good-by, see you again.


J: Good-by! Nakamort.