
やったるで〜 TOEICスコア プラス200点

Today's key word "collocation"

I'm nakamort.


■ Learning English(Apr 2)


Listening to the English conversation 

Consulting with teacher K 


Reviewing the difference between an intransitive verb and a transitive verb

(the Red book

the difference between baseball and cricket.(cf. wisdom)



It's on my schedule.



I learned a lot from teacher K.

The most important word was "collocation".



I'll memorize the below samples.

Some example(an intransitive verb + a preposition)

look at ~ , listen to ~, wait for ~, look for ~, arrive at ~, talk to ~, talk about ~,
stay with ~, arrive in ~, get on ~, get off ~, get to ~, speak to ~, think about ~,
laugh at ~, smile at ~, look after ~,
take care of ~, take part in ~, look forward to ~, put up with ~