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脳内ビジネス英会話2-② 〜Changing the design〜





native camp 実戦ビジネス英会話コース+発音コース

脳内ビジネス英会話2nd series 2回目






native campの発音コースですが、ついに上級編に突入です。







▪️脳内ビジネス英会話 2-②回目


R: From now on I'll show you the design of your products.

J: Thank you.

R: Here you are. how is it?

J: I don't think it's bad, but I like simple designs.

R: Okay. Then we'll reduce the type number of colors.

     Nakamort, how long does it take to change the design?

N: It will take about a week. I'll show you a new design with a picture.
R: Then, we will send the design by e-mail as soon as it is ready.

J: I will help you if you do so. I am looking forward to it.


To be continued next episode


N: Nakamort

R: Ronald Koeman

J: James Harden