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脳内英会話 =Episode 12 To take a day off=



 車内リスニング&シャドーイングTOEIC公式問題集 PART2,3)

TOEIC公式問題集 TEST1 PART2 7-20覚える

TOEIC公式問題集 TEST2 PART5 101-130演習 
















TOEIC公式問題集のTEST2 PART5の分析をしてみると約半数が品詞を問う問題でした。ということはその単語の意味を知らなくても、文法が分かっていれば答えがわかるということですね。全文をざっと見渡し、文章の構成を把握し適切な品詞を選択する。



脳内英会話 Episode 12

N: Good morning, Ronald. I'm sorry but my daughter catch has a cold today so I will take a day today off to take care of her.

R: Good morning. That's too bad.

N: I am in contact I talked with my boss. By the way, there are two requests.I have a favor to ask you.


R: Of course. What are those? What is it that you want?


N: One thing is Would you to complete the document to be used for the meeting tomorrow and? I showed you it yesterday. We need to submit it to my boss by 5 p.m


R: OK. What is the other one? Anything else?


N: And Another one is I want to order a prototype. would you send the blueprint you drew by e-mail to my boss? I am I'm in a hurry.

R: I will I'll start right away.



To be continued next episode...